Science with a twist
Choose from five different mini-lessons that emphasize being responsible consumers who care for the environment and for wildlife.
You can choose just one of these activities, or do all five in succession if you wish.
As you complete the activities, talk with your children about our God-given responsibility to rule over the earth (Genesis 1:26). Explain that when we are wasteful with resources or when we create excess garbage, we are not caring for the world God made.
To expand the spiritual component, read Psalm 8:1-9 and thank God for the honour of being named rulers of the things God made on the earth. Ask Him to help you live wisely, caring for all He has given you. Thank Him for your clean water supply and for a reliable source of electricity. Thank Him, too, for allowing you to live in a land of plenty and ask Him to teach you not to be wasteful or thoughtless in the way you use your resources and treat the environment.
Psalm 8:1-9 “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, You have established strength because of Your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
Run this simple, week-long experiment to teach your kids what the word “biodegradable” means. (A simple definition they can learn is “to break down and become part of the soil.”)
To set up your experiment, simply take a portion of a paper bag, and a portion of a plastic grocery bag, and lay them in warm water on a cookie sheet or plastic tray.
Check on your experiment over the course of a week to see what is happening. (The paper will be disintegrate, but the plastic will remain unchanged.)
When we dispose of our garbage, it is taken to a landfill. Any paper bags in the garbage break down quickly and become part of the soil, but plastic bags don’t.
Plastics never “biodegrade” or go away entirely. The plastic we put in the garbage will eventually break down into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic, but it is never gone. Sadly, an increasing amount of plastic is ending up in the world’s oceans. In the water, as the plastic breaks into smaller and smaller particles, animals begin eating these plastic particles instead of plankton. Over time, the animals are harmed by eating plastics instead of nourishing food.
The good news is that every person can make a difference by using biodegradable or re-useable containers instead of plastic. Here are some helpful things people can do. Which ones do you think we should do as a family?
When garbage is buried in a landfill, some of the garbage leaks pollutants into the environment. This simple experiment helps kids understand the idea of underground seepage of pollutants.
You will need sand, water, a large glass jar, tongs, five paper napkins and food colouring in yellow, blue, red and green.
Much of the garbage we make is hauled away and buried in a landfill. But that doesn’t mean it’s gone. Even buried garbage can harm the environment and animals. Just as we saw the coloured water seep into the sand, the same thing happens in landfills. The pollutants in the buried garbage seep out of the landfill and into the water under the surface of the soil. These pollutants eventually end up in our lakes, rivers and oceans where they can harm the animals living there.
Fortunately, there are some things we can do to help. Which of these “seepage stopper” ideas do you think we could do as a family?
Note: You can expand this activity by setting up your own family recycling bins. Run a one-week trial to see how much your household garbage is reduced when all paper, cardboard, plastics, cans and organic matter are removed for recycling.
You may also want to visit a landfill and a recycling depot as a part of this learning experience. The sight and smell of tons of garbage will make a lasting impression on your children. On the other hand, visiting a recycling station illustrates the positive side of waste management. Excellent video footage is also available online.
Once, in the Florida waterways, an environmentalist named Stephen Nordlinger rescued a turtle that had eaten so much polystyrene it was too buoyant to submerge underwater. In this object lesson you’ll simulate the experience of the rescued turtle, to illustrate for kids the danger litter poses to wildlife.
You will need a re-sealable plastic sandwich bag for each child, permanent markers and chunks of polystyrene.
It’s easiest to do this activity at bath time, but you can also do it at the kitchen sink or in a tub of water.
The litter that people throw on the ground is often dangerous for wildlife. Animals can cut their paws on broken glass, for example. And the litter doesn’t always stay where it’s thrown. It often gets washed into streams and rivers, and then out to sea.
It’s common for water birds and aquatic animals to get tangled in plastic garbage, particularly discarded fishing line and plastic six-pack beverage rings. Once entangled, animals are easy prey for predators, or can starve to death.
Sometimes animals mistake litter for food. Sea turtles, for instance, often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, and polystyrene pellets for the eggs of sea life, stuffing themselves with this “junk food” until they are weak and starving. And sometimes, like we saw with our plastic-bag turtles, it can prevent them from swimming underwater to catch their real food.
Here are some ways people can make sure wildlife doesn’t suffer this way. Which of these do you think should we start doing as a family?
Begin by talking with your kids about where tap water comes from and how electricity is generated. To help, look for videos online, or check out your library.
Next, try to go for an hour at home without using any water or electricity! Use this time to talk about how much harder life is for the many people in the world who do not have access to electricity and clean water.
Explain that there is an environmental cost to using electricity and water, then do a room-by-room tour of your house and ask your kids to suggest ways that water and electricity can be conserved in each room.
Becoming aware of our wasteful habits is a key step in reducing the thoughtless use of water, electricity and other natural resources. In our house we can conserve water and electricity by:
Reinforce what you’re learning about caring for the environment by designating family members to watch for ways you can be more responsible.
To help, craft special bug badges. Much like sheriff badges, they give the wearer authority to politely “bug” other family members about being responsible.
Here are some ideas for crafting an electricity bug, water bug, anti-litter bug, recycle bug and a buy-less bug. Attach each bug to clothing with a safety pin to remind family members of their role for the day.
You will need craft foam or construction paper in an assortment of colours, safety pins, felt-tip markers, a glue gun and a few pennies.