At a family mealtime, or while on a long drive, put your heads together to write a family prayer asking God to give you His love and concern for others. If you wish, you can use this simple Celtic prayer as a model for your prayer.
A Celtic prayer
Call: Lord . . . open our eyes . . .
Response: May we see those around us. Help us to notice those who are alone, hurting, and in need of prayer.
Call: Lord . . . open our hands . . .
Response: Make us generous people. Create in us a giving spirit, ready to meet needs as we are able. Help us not to wait only for opportunities to be heroic, but to respond to the needs that are put before us.
Call: Lord . . . guard our lips . . .
Response: May we speak the truth, but always in love. May we be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. May our speech be filled with praise for You, and encouragement for one another.
Call: Lord . . . guard our hearts . . .
Response: May we steer clear of anything which has the power to damage and destroy. Curb our selfish desires and protect our homes and our relationships.
Call: Lord . . . break our hearts . . .
Response: May we look at our neighborhoods, county, city, and world with Your eyes. Break our hearts with that which breaks Yours.
Call: Lord . . . bend our knees . . .
Response: When we need guidance, may we look to You. Make this church a house of prayer.
Call: Lord . . . wet our eyes . . .
Response: May we be a tender people. Help us to pause long enough to listen to each other and to carry each other’s burdens.
Call: Lord . . . use our feet . . .
Response: May we be willing messengers of the Gospel, quick to testify of Your mercy, goodness, and grace.
© 2008 Greg Hochhalter & Murray Decker. Used with permission.
To create your own prayer, read each “call” in the example Celtic prayer and ask your children to suggest a “response.” You can also use the questions for discussion as prompts to inspire ideas. Here are some suggested responses for your prayer:
Call: Lord . . . open our eyes . . .
Response: to see those around us who are sad, lonely or in need.
Call: Lord . . . open our hands . . .
Response: to share the things we would rather hang on to.
Call: Lord . . . guard our lips . . .
Response: from saying unkind words.
Call: Lord . . . guard our hearts . . .
Response: from being selfish.
Call: Lord . . . break our hearts . . .
Response: with the things that make You sad.
Call: Lord . . . bend our knees . . .
Response: we want to pray for those who need You.
Call: Lord . . . wet our eyes . . .
Response: we want to cry with those who are hurting.
Call: Lord . . . use our feet . . .
Response: to carry blessings to others.