Run these scenarios by your kids and have them come up with both an inappropriate response, and a response that shows consideration for others.
To have more fun, encourage your kids to come up with both likely scenarios and a few wild and zany scenarios for the inappropriate response. To avoid confusion, however, it’s best to keep the considerate response simple and to the point.
Scenario 1:
When someone passes gas while you are driving in the car, what should they say?
Inconsiderate response: (Invite your kids to suggest serious or silly responses, as you prefer.)
Considerate response: (Invite your kids to suggest a considerate response.)
Scenario 2:
Someone is very hungry and their favourite food is being served.
Inconsiderate response: (Possible answer: The person takes a large helping, leaving very little for others.)
Considerate response: (Invite your kids to suggest a more considerate scenario.)
Scenario 3:
One family member is playing on the computer, but others want to use it too.
Inconsiderate response: (Invite your kids to suggest inconsiderate scenarios.)
Considerate response: (Invite your kids to suggest a more considerate scenario.)
Scenario 4:
Your mom has a big piece of spinach left between her teeth after a meal.
Inconsiderate response: (Invite your kids to suggest inconsiderate scenarios.)
Considerate response: (Invite your kids to suggest a more considerate response.)
Scenario 5:
Your little brother is excited because you saw an ambulance on your way home from swimming lessons. At suppertime he is telling the rest of the family about it. He is so excited he keeps saying “ambliance” instead of ambulance.
Inconsiderate response: (Invite your kids to suggest inconsiderate scenarios.)
Considerate response: (Invite your kids to suggest a more considerate scenario.)
Scenario 6:
Your friend’s mom told your mom that their family pet died. The next day you see your friend at Sunday School. What do you do?
Inconsiderate response: (Invite your kids to suggest inconsiderate scenarios. These might include announcing to the whole class why your friend is sad.)
Considerate response: (Invite your kids to suggest a more considerate scenario. Ideally they will recognize the need to keep such a sensitive matter private and perhaps not talk about it until their friend brings it up.)
Scenario 7:
Your friend is wearing his or her shirt inside out. What do you do?
Inconsiderate response: (Invite your kids to suggest inconsiderate scenarios.)
Considerate response: (Invite your kids to suggest a more considerate scenario.)