
Little House on the Prairie fashion

Drama / Role play

Live like the Inglalls family for a week, allowing your children only two outfits to wear and two toys to play with.

Discussion point: Being thankful for what we have.

Have your children select two outfits to wear and two toys to play with for the duration of a week. Try to focus on being thankful for those items. Supplement this learning by reading a children’s version of this famous book series such as A Little House Christmas.

Take time to act out some of the stories and “play” Little House on the Prairie as a family. This could even include eating very simple meals. The questions for discussion will help your children further consider how much they have to be thankful for. Use this activity in conjunction with the “Closet Clean-up” hands-on activity also listed in this lesson.

Questions for discussion
  • Would you have liked to live in the days of Little House on the Prairie?
  • What was the hardest part of having only two outfits to wear?
  • What did you like about it?
  • Do you think that you would be satisfied with owing less clothing? Less toys?
  • Which toys and clothes would you like to give away?