Use these scenarios and What would you do? questions to discuss peer pressure with your kids.
To introduce the activity, explain that making discerning choices in life is not always easy. Sometimes what’s right and wrong is obvious, but other times it’s not so clear.
As you share each scenario with your kids, let them decide which answer is the right course of action.
Continue with the game as you wish, making up your own scenarios. Take time to discuss your children’s answers.
When you’ve finished playing the game, use the discussion questions to guide you into a conversation about peer pressure.
Scenario 1:
Imagine we are walking in an alley and a family we know from church approaches us and asks us to help them rob a bank. They offer to split the money saying, “You won’t even be stealing. All you have to do is delay the police when they arrive by telling them your child has gone missing.”
What should we do?
a. Agree to help because we could use the extra money to take a great family holiday.
b. Say no and remind the other family that the Bible tells us that we are not to steal or lie.
c. Tell them we are already rich and suggest they ask a different family.
d. Rob the bank and give your family’s half of the money to the church so God can use it.
Scenario 2:
You are playing at the park with one of your friends. You see another kid you know approaching, and your friend whispers, “Don’t let them play with us.”
What do you do?
a. Ignore the kid and pretend you didn’t hear their request to join in.
b. Go home.
c. Tell your friend it would be nice to include the other child.
d. Tell the kid who wants to play that you are very sick and they wouldn’t want to catch your germs.
Scenario 3:
You are at a friend’s house and your moms are chatting in the next room. You and your friend are in the kitchen and he (or she) suggests that you take some gummy worms from the treat drawer.
What do you do?
a. Go along with your friend’s idea because you love candy.
b. Go and ask your mom if it would be okay to have a treat.
c. Tell your friend that you only eat the worms if they are covered in dirt.
d. Tell your friend you have a stomach ache and can’t eat one.
Scenario 4:
You and your brother / sister / friend are playing together in the playroom. While you are playing make believe, your brother / sister / friend begins to make the toys use language that you know is not allowed in your home (e.g. stupid, shut up, ugly, fatty).
What do you do?
a. Play along because it’s really the toys that are using the bad words, not you.
b. Ask them to quit using words that your parents do not allow you to say in real life.
c. Suggest that you all quit playing and go have a snack instead.
d. Go and tell your mom or dad what’s happening.
Scenario 5:
One of your brothers /sisters / friends is angry and pouting. Your other sibling / friend whispers to you that the pouter looks like the cartoon monkey you saw earlier in the day.
What do you do?
a. Laugh quietly about it.
b. Tell the one pouting to go look in the mirror.
c. Imitate the “monkey lips” and make monkey noises.
d. Pray and ask God to give you self-control.
Life can be like walking through an alley where other people are offering us tempting opportunities to sin. If a kid chooses to hang out with kids who are constantly encouraging them to do wrong, they will eventually get into trouble.
On the other hand, choosing wise friends helps us stay out of trouble. The Bible warns us about this too. In Proverbs, God says we become like the people we are friends with (Proverbs 13:20). Given that fact, it makes sense to choose friends who will encourage us to do what’s right.
The best way to tell the difference between right and wrong is to ask God. Parents can also help kids make wise choices, but an even better idea is to walk so close to God that you get to know His voice well enough to avoid temptation and harm. If you are in a situation where you don’t know what to do, you should pray and check with your parents.
Psalm 119:133 “Keep steady my steps according to Your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.
Proverbs 13:20 “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Proverbs 16:29 “A man of violence entices his neighbor and leads him in a way that is not good.