
Give patience a fighting chance

Any time, Drive time

Catch your kids bickering and use these questions to help them see how patience can change the outcome.

Discussion point: “A patient man calms a quarrel.”

Watch for opportunities to talk about how patience calms a quarrel (Proverbs 15:18). You can even use a real quarrel as an example. In this case, discuss how patience could have stopped it. Talk about how hot tempers stir up trouble and discord. Review how responding with love and patience could have changed the situation. The discussion questions are provided to help stimulate dialogue.

Questions for discussion
  • What caused the fight?
  • Did anyone try to stop it? If so, how?
  • How would it have turned out differently if one person had been patient?
  • How would it have turned out differently if both people involved had been patient?
  • Did anyone try to show love?
  • How does the verse, “Love is patient, love is kind” apply to this quarrel?
Relevant Scripture

Proverbs 15:18 “A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel.”

1 Corinthians 13:4 “Love is patient, love is kind…”

1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”