
Respect detectives

Any time, Drive time

While driving or walking through your neighbourhood, look for signs that show disrespect for the community.

Discussion point: We need to respect and care for our community.

Tell your kids you are going to be “respect detectives.” Your job is to look for ways people are not showing respect for others. While driving around your community or out on a walk in your neighbourhood, look for litter and graffiti. Also look for doggy doo on the path or the grass.

Use any of the following questions for discussion to encourage your child to consider how he/she can be a respectful member of your community. To take this lesson a step further, pick up litter when you go on a walk to make your community a more beautiful place to be.

Questions for discussion
  • Do fences, cement paths and buildings look better with spray paint or clear of painted words and drawings?
  • Does the park look better clean or full of litter?
  • Do you like to step in doggy doo when you are walking on the path or playing in the park?
  • Did those who dropped the litter, painted the graffiti or left the doggy doo around show respect to others?
  • How can we show respect to others by taking care of our community?