
Speak a blessing

Affirmation is so important for learning! Here are some ways you can compliment your children when you notice them practicing what they are learning from this Christmas lesson.

  • Peek-a-boo! I see Jesus’ joy / love / peace shining out of you!
  • I can smell the sweetness of Jesus’ joy here. It makes our home feel so Christmas-y!
  • You are sharing Jesus’ love. What a great way to celebrate His birthday!
  • I noticed that you are being a peacemaker. Thank you for helping to make our home a happy place to be.
  • It really feels like Christmas when we share Jesus’ love with others.
  • ________, thank you for sharing Jesus’ love by _________. (Describe the way your child was kind / loving.)
  • You are acting like Jesus. Jesus is happy when His kids share His love with each other.