Create a mini physical fitness camp for your kids. Discussion point: Just as we train to be physically fit, we need to train to be spiritually strong too.
When you’re on a walk, running around at the park or out bike riding, talk about the concept of physical training for fitness and how we also need to “train” or exercise for spiritual growth.
You may also wish to create a learning opportunity by conducting a mini boot camp for your kids. For even more of a challenge, try doing the spiritual growth “exercise” of saying your memory verse while you are exercising physically.
Here are some suggested conditioning exercises for your boot camp. Search online for specific instructions for each exercise and plan to alternate strengthening exercises with cardiovascular challenges:
In the days to come, when you notice unpleasant behaviour in one of your children, remind your child that it’s time to do some “spiritual training” by praying and/or reviewing your memory verse.
The Bible compares the value of physical training with the importance of spiritual training. It says physical training is of some value, but godliness has value now and forever. The Bible says that Jesus grew in physical stature and in wisdom, and in favour with God and man. This means that God was pleased with Him and that other people also appreciated the way Jesus acted.
We can grow in wisdom too by spending time with wise people, by reading the Bible and by listening to God. God is happy when we show our love for Him by obeying His Word. Others feel respected and loved when we treat them as we would like to be treated ourselves.
Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
John 14:23 “Jesus answered him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.’
1 Timothy 4:8 “. . .for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.