These easy-to-implement ideas will help you share with your children some simple but memorable lessons about cooperation. Choose one or two activities that will fit your schedule.
Science with a twist
Work together to “rebuild the walls of Jerusalem” using a homemade model.
Discussion point: A large task becomes easier when everyone shares the load and gets along.
View optionAny time, Drive time
Read a story about a brother and sister who learned a lesson from two squabbling squirrels.
Discussion point: Squabbling over a task or chore just makes the task take a whole lot longer.
View optionFun with food
Take turns playing “head chef” and showing others how to cut out cookies.
Discussion point: Cooperating means being good at accepting another person’s ideas.
View optionPhysical activity
Have tons of fun playing a life-size version of the game of Operation, where the “surgeons” must work in pairs.
View optionFun with food
Pair up at the dinner table and tie each person’s hand to another person’s hand. No one gets to eat unless they can truly cooperate!
View optionDrama / Role play
Discover the fun of working together as a family team as you dance, move furniture, build a human pyramid, or wash windows together!
View optionAny time, Drive time
Sleuth out real-life examples of cooperation in action.
View optionScience with a twist
Explore Robert McNeish’s reflections on how geese work as a team as they fly in formation.
Discussion point: We all have skills to offer and we all need encouragement from others.
View optionPhysical activity
Learn to dance a simple waltz and note the importance of the leader / follower relationship.
View optionCreative crafts
Try modelling a small pot or bowl with both hard and soft clay, while listening to Jeremiah 18:1-12.
Discussion point: We need to have soft hearts that God can easily shape in His image.
View optionAny time, Drive time
Compare the sound of a single instrument versus the whole orchestra, and explore other examples of cooperation in the world of music.
View optionPhysical activity
Explore some team sports that require precise coordination, and try mimicking their teamwork.
Discussion point: The secret to teamwork is to live unselfishly.
View optionAny time, Drive time
Explore situations that require cooperation with family members, or with strangers, and learn some polite phrases that show your desire to cooperate.
View optionScience with a twist
Compare hard lumps of brown sugar with soft lumps.
Discussion point: We need to let the Holy Spirit help us have soft hearts that are sensitive to others and adaptable to change.
View optionPhysical activity
How good are your kids at obeying the rules of the road? Build some cardboard cars and find out!
Discussion point: God’s rules and parents’ rules keep you safe. It makes sense to cooperate by obeying them.
View optionFun with food
Plan a monster cooking party. You’ll get loads of made-ahead meals ready for the freezer, and your kids will learn a fun lesson in teamwork.
View optionPhysical activity
Stand in a circle and try not to break hand-holds with your partners as you play this cooperative game.
Discussion point: When we don’t cooperate, we break our family unity.
View optionDrama / Role play
Read the story of the Zax by Dr. Seuss.
Discussion point: It’s foolish to stubbornly refuse to cooperate with others or to refuse to make peace.
View option