These ideas require very little preparation, making it easy for you to share some simple but memorable lessons with your children. Read over the options at the beginning of your week and choose one or two that will fit your schedule.
Science with a twist
Discuss the importance of keeping fresh batteries in a smoke detector.
Discussion point: Our conscience warns us that we are being tempted to sin; it’s important not to ignore it.
View optionScience with a twist
Observe a campfire and discuss some fire safety rules.
Discussion point: Review these parallel “sin safety rules” to help snuff out temptation before it’s out of control.
View optionAny time, Drive time
Read this story about a firefighter, and review some important firefighting equipment.
Discussion point: God’s Holy Spirit helps us overcome sin and temptation.
View optionPhysical activity
Go on a hike, helping each other over slippery, steep and rocky terrain.
Discussion point: Sometimes it’s easy to “stumble” and sin; you can hold on to God for support.
View optionCreative crafts
Make your own “anger alarm” (resembling a fire alarm) to help kids determine whether their anger is righteous or unrighteous.
Discussion point: Introduce skills to help kids manage their anger.
View optionPhysical activity
This fun adaptation of the game What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf? encourages kids to flee from unrighteousness.
Discussion point: Fight temptation with prayer and God’s Word.
View optionAny time, Drive time
At snack time, talk about God’s desire that we “hunger” and “thirst” for righteousness.
Discussion point: The role of confession, obeying God’s Word and the Spirit.
View optionAny time
Observe dog trainers and the kinds of collars they use for large, disobedient dogs.
Discussion point: Disobedience earns harsh discipline, but those who “hear and obey” please God.
View optionGetting into nature
Discuss these examples of how animals and plants must “obey laws” in nature to stay alive.
Discussion point: Review God’s plan for personal salvation and the importance of obeying God.
View optionAny time, Drive time
Use these song ideas to start an impromptu worship time, and review these verses about worship.
Discussion point: We show we love God by praising Him often.
View optionCreative crafts, Drama / Role play
Reinforce the idea that we can be “clothed in righteousness” with dress-up clothes that represent a cloak, breastplate and crown of righteousness.
Discussion point: Review how to treat others “righteously.”
View optionGetting into nature
Watch a sunrise and discuss the importance of starting each day with God.
Discussion point: Don’t fret over another’s sin; talk to God about it instead (Psalm 37:5-7).
View optionPhysical activity
Play a game of Simon Says.
Discussion point: We need to listen carefully to God’s instructions so we can avoid being tempted and tricked by Satan.
View optionPhysical activity
Take a walk carrying a heavy backpack.
Discussion point: Sin and guilt can weigh us down, but God forgives us when we confess our sins.
View optionScience with a twist
Observe a thermometer in hot water and cold.
Discussion point: Our emotions can make us feel “heated up.” We need to ask God to help us keep our emotions “cool.”
View optionPhysical activity
Enjoy a game of Tug of War.
Discussion point: Sometimes we feel pulled toward sin. When we pray to Jesus, He will help us win against temptation.
View optionOther
Hide dirty laundry and try to “sniff it out.”
Discussion point: Just as dirty laundry smells bad, our sin “stinks” to God. We stay clean by regularly confessing our sins.
View optionFun with food
At mealtime, offer a plate of rotten food along with wholesome food.
Discussion point: It’s important to avoid sinful influences that “contaminate” our minds.
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